![]() Corrections - Pocket
91 kr
Av Jonathan Franzen

Bok- presentation: |
Corrections |
Författar- presentation: |
Jonathan Franzen |
91 kr
The winner of the National Book Award, the New York Times No.1 Bestseller and the worldwide literary sensation, 'The Corrections' has established itself as a truly great American novel. It will be repackaged and promoted as part of Perennial's fiction promotion in 2008. The Lamberts -- Enid and Alfred and their three grown-up children -- are a troubled family living in a troubled age. Alfred is ill and as his condition worsens the whole family must face the failures, secrets and long-buried hurts that haunt them if they are to make the corrections that each desperately needs. Stretching from the Midwest in the mid-century to Wall Street and Eastern Europe in the age of globalised greed, 'The Corrections' brings an old-time America of freight trains and civic duty into wild collision with the era of home surveillance, hands-off parenting, do-it-yourself mental healthcare, and New Economy millionaires. It announces Jonathan Franzen as one of the most brilliant interpreters of American society and the American soul.
Bok: 211921
Anmäl textfel
Jonathan Franzen
Hans roman "Tillrättalägganden" blev hans stora genombrott. Han är framför allt känd som en brilliant skildrare av det nutida amerikanska samhället.