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Autumn Killing
Av Mons Kallentoft

Bok- presentation: |
Autumn Killing |
Författar- presentation: |
Mons Kallentoft |
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It is Autumn in Linkoping and the heavens have opened, but not even these biblical rains can wash away the blood of crimes past and present.Then the brutally-stabbed body of self-made Internet billionaire Jerry Petersson is discovered floating facedown in the moat surrounding his home, the imposing Skogsa Castle.Malin Fors, the brilliant but flawed star of the Linkoping police force, is already struggling to keep her life together following the recent murder attempt on her teenage daughter, Tove. Now, as the Petersson case forces Malin to delve deep into Linkoping's history and her own family's past, the secrets she uncovers threaten to drown her, too ...
The third novel in the internationally bestselling Malin Fors series of Swedish crime novels, the first of which, MIDWINTER SACRIFICE, was a Richard & Judy Bookclub selection. Perfect for fans of Scandinavian crime and the hit television series The Killing and The Bridge.
Bok: 214513
Anmäl textfel
Mons Kallentoft
Mon Kallentoft hade sitt stora genombortt med deckarserien om Malin Fors, som hittills uppgår till sex böcker.