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Salem's Lot
Av Stephen King

Bok- presentation: |
Salem's Lot |
Författar- presentation: |
Stephen King |
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'Turn off the television - in fact, why don't you turn off all the lights except for the one over your favourite chair? - and we'll talk about vampires here in the dim.
I think I can make you believe in them.
'Stephen King, from the Introduction.
'Salem's Lot is a small New England town with the usual quota of gossips, drinkers, weirdos and respectable folk. Of course there are tales of strange happenings - but not more than in any other town its size.
Ben Mears, a moderately successful writer, returns to the Lot to write a novel based on his early years, and to exorcise the terrors that have haunted him since childhood. The event he witnessed in the house now rented by a new resident.
A newcomer with a strange allure.
A man who causes Ben some unease as things start to happen: a child disappears, a dog is brutally killed - nothing unusual, except the list starts to grow.Soon surprise will turn to bewilderment, bewilderment to confusion and finally to terror ...
'Turn off the television - in fact, why don't you turn off all the lights except for the one over your favourite chair? - and we'll talk about vampires here in the dim.
I think I can make you believe in them.
'Stephen King, from the Introduction.
Bok: 213662
Anmäl textfel
Stephen King
Han debuterade 1973 med "Carrie" och har sedan dess skrivit över 40 böcker som blivit storsäljare över hela världen. Flera av hans böcker har också blivit film.