![]() Stone gods - Pocket
134 kr
Stone gods
Av Jeanette Winterson

Bok- presentation: |
Stone gods |
Författar- presentation: |
Jeanette Winterson |
134 kr
On the airwaves, all the talk is of the new blue planet - pristine and habitable, like our own 65 million years ago, before we took it to the edge of destruction. And off the air, Billie and Spike are falling in love. What will happen when their story combines with the world's story, as they whirl towards Planet Blue, into the future? Will they - and we - ever find a safe landing place?
Bok: 211941
Anmäl textfel
Jeanette Winterson
Hon är en brittisk författare som har skrivit ett stort antal böcker, mestadels romaner. Mest känd är hon för debuten, "Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit" (på svenska "Det finns annan frukt än apelsiner"), som kom 1985.