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Collected Prose
Av Paul Auster

Bok- presentation: |
Collected Prose |
Författar- presentation: |
Paul Auster |
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An essential collection from one of the finest thinkers and stylists in contemporary letters.
The celebrated author of The New York Trilogy, The Book of Illusions, and Oracle Night presents here a highly personal collection of essays, prefaces, true stories, autobiographical writings, and collaborations with artists, as well as occasional pieces written for magazines and newspapers, including The Invention of Solitude his "breathtaking memoir." (Financial Times Magazine London)
Bok: 212605
Anmäl textfel
Paul Auster
Han bröt igenom som författare 1987 med New York Trilogin och är idag medlem i både American Academy of Arts and Sciences (2003) och American Academy of Arts and Letters (2006). Hans skönlitterära verk, såväl som filmanus, essäer och poesi har gett honom ett väl omtalat rykte i den litterära världen.