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Engelsk utgåva
Report from the Interior (HB)
Förlag: Faber & Faber
Lagerstatus: Definitivt slut
In the beginning, everything was alive. The smallest objects were endowed with beating hearts...Having recalled his life through the story of his physical self in Winter Journal, internationally acclaimed novelist Paul Auster now remembers the experience of his development from within, through the encounters of his interior self with the outer world. From his baby's-eye view of the man in the moo
In the beginning, everything was alive. The smallest objects were endowed with beating hearts...Having recalled his life through the story of his physical self in Winter Journal, internationally acclaimed novelist Paul Auster now remembers the experience of his development from within, through the encounters of his interior self with the outer world. From his baby's-eye view of the man in the moon to his childhood worship of the movie cowboy Buster Crabbe to the composition of his first poem at the age of nine to his dawning awareness of the injustices of American life, Report from the Interior charts Auster's moral, political and intellectual journey as he inches his way toward adulthood through the post-war fifties and into the turbulent 1960s. Auster evokes the sounds, smells, and tactile sensations that marked his early life - and the many images that came at him, including moving images (he adored cartoons, he was in love with films), until, at its unique climax, the book breaks away from prose into pure imagery: The final section of Report from the Interior recapitulates the first three parts, told in an album of pictures. At once a story of the times and the story of the emerging consciousness of a renowned literary artist, this four-part work answers the challenge of autobiography in ways rarely, if ever, seen before.
Utgivningsdatum: 20131107
Bok: 232900
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Han bröt igenom som författare 1987 med New York Trilogin och är idag medlem i både American Academy of Arts and Sciences (2003) och American Academy of Arts and Letters (2006). Hans skönlitterära verk, såväl som filmanus, essäer och poesi har gett honom ett väl omtalat rykte i den litterära världen.
Han bröt igenom som författare 1987 med New York Trilogin och är idag medlem i både American Academy of Arts and Sciences (2003) och American Academy of Arts and Letters (2006). Hans skönlitterära verk, såväl som filmanus, essäer och poesi har gett honom ett väl omtalat rykte i den litterära världen.
Paul Auster
I ”Vinterdagbok” tar Auster sig an dagboksformatet och utforskar genom sina upplevelser. Det är teman som barndom och ålder, sexualitet, sorg och det egna skrivandet. Boken är skriven av Auster i nutid och inte en efterbearbetad dagbok.
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Utgivning - andra språk
Paul Auster
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